Louisville has a lots of history worth looking into, and we do that from time to time here at LOUtoday — should we call it LOUyesterday?
From cobblestone streets to — well — all of Louisville’s streets and Victorian mansions to lost Civil War forts, the history of Derby City is all around us.
The Louisville Metro Historic Preservation and Urban Design Team works within the Office of Planning to preserve that history. Here’s the skinny on what that team does + how you can get involved.
Historic Preservation
Did you know: Louisville is home to seven historic preservation districts?
- Butchertown
- Cherokee Triangle
- Clifton
- Limerick
- Old Louisville
- Parkland
- West Main Street
The Historic Preservation and Urban Design team staffs the Historic Landmarks and Preservation Districts Commission, which oversees these districts.
Each district has a design review process for all exterior alterations, demolition, and new construction — so if you wanna build in one of these neighorhoods, you gotta go through the process first.
Like it’s history, Louisville is a city of landmarks. The Historic Preservation and Urban Design Team also oversees the review process for landmarks. There are ~100 individual landmarks spread throughout the city, and 10+ that are under consideration.
These landmarks include distinctive architectural features or historical associations that represent the historic character of Louisville + Kentucky or the US.
How you can get involved
The Historic Landmarks and Preservation Districts Commission — which you can join, by the way — regularly holds public meetings, so keep your eye on the Louisville Metro Council schedule.
The Commission has also released new Standard Design Guidelines, and is holding educational meetings through this month where you can learn more.
- Thursday, July 25 at Dare to Care Community Kitchen (1200 S. 28th St.), 6-7 p.m.
- Wednesday, July 31 at Metro Development Center (444 S. 5th St.), 6-7 p.m.