Tired of feeling tired? Wondering if you have a hormonal imbalance? Curious if your diet is working for (or against) you? Get quick answers to your pressing health questions with Labcorp OnDemand, offering access to the same tests your doctor orders — but without the doctor’s visit.
With 50+ health tests available — ranging from overall wellness and heart health to fertility and diabetes (and more) — the consumer-direct solution helps you make proactive health decisions with both at-home and in-person testing options. All you do is:
- Purchase a lab test online
- Provide a test sample either at home or at one of Labcorp’s 2000+ locations
- Access results in your Patient Account
All tests offer quick, accurate results + affordable, transparent pricing. Ready to get started? Here are five tests you can order today:
Annual Wellness
Take an Annual Wellness test and get individualized results with a Women’s Health Test or Men’s Health Test — offering a comprehensive assessment of your overall health and alerts to common concerns like diabetes, heart disease, hormone levels + more.
Colorectal Cancer Screening
All people 45+ at average risk should get screened for colon cancer, and the ColoFIT Colon Cancer Home Collection Test offers a way to do so — by testing for hidden blood in stool (a potential indicator of colon cancer) — without leaving home.
Hormone Health
Optimize your hormonal health or discover if you have imbalances with a hormone health test that measures estradiol, progesterone, testosterone and more.
Nutritional Health
Feeling sluggish? Find out if you’re low in key vitamins and minerals with a Micronutrient Test — measuring the levels of six essential micronutrients in your blood (like vitamin D, folate, magnesium + more).
Seasonal Allergies
Achoo. See what’s triggering your seasonal or year-round respiratory allergies + sniffles with an Indoor & Outdoor Allergy Test that measures your body’s immune response to common environmental allergens, like pollen, mold, pet and animal dander, dust mites, grasses, and more.
Bonus: LOUtoday readers get $10 off most tests with code 6AMCITY.