If both the excitement and the stress of building in LOU are hitting a little too close to home, we’ve got your back. We spoke with Schumacher Homes and walked away with three common myths about custom home building — plus three facts to help you plan your next move.
Myth 1: Building a custom home is too costly.
While the upfront financial costs of building can be more expensive than buying, a custom home gives you access to the latest building methods and construction materials. Building custom allows you to create a home that is energy efficient and also requires less maintenance. Read: There are fewer renovations in your future.
Myth 2: It’s overwhelming.
Having a team of specialists behind you takes the guesswork and hassle out of home building so your biggest worry can be deciding which type of tile to use in your bathroom. (Pro tip: a team of designers can help you with that, too.) You start with plans from leading architects and can then make changes to create the exact floor plan that is a perfect fit for your family.
Myth 3: Now is a bad time to break ground.
Louisvillians don’t have to wait for a no-cost refinancing option. Schumacher Mortgage offers a five year loan refinancing if after closing, the interest rate goes down. The offer is good for up to five years, making now the perfect time to break ground. Plus, starting the process now, means you can move into your dream home next year.
If building a custom home sounds appealing, schedule a free design + price quote meeting with Schumacher Homes. 🏠*