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Search for your next gig via the largest local job board in LOU

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Explore available positions or submit an opening via Live in Lou’s job board. | Photo provided

Whether you’re part of the Great Resignation, are considering an industry switch, or are looking to convince a friend to move to LOU (who doesn’t love a friend to explore with?), Live in Lou’s job board might just help you land your next gig.

It’s the largest, local-only job board — meaning all positions fall within our 15-county Louisville metro area. There are jobs of all levels, with a variety of companies + industries. Plus, it’s updated multiple times each week and currently houses 8,000+ available jobs.

Live in Lou’s job board is also a valuable tool for businesses looking to hire, and it’s open for submissions from any company that falls within our region.

Bonus: It’s completely free to post on and follows a simple submission process. You can submit a position or explore open ones here.

Happy (job) hunting, LOU.*

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