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Register to race the Y’s family-friendly Turkey Trot

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runners at the starting line of a race

Runners take off from the Turkey Trot starting line.

Photo by the YMCA of Greater Louisville

Looking to get some exercise in with the family before the big meal? The Northeast Family YMCA will host their 53rd Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Trot, sponsored by Publix, on Thursday, Nov. 23.

The event will include a 10K at 8 a.m., a 5K at 9 a.m., and a Kids’ Trot at 9:45 a.m. — leaving plenty of time to get home and prep your afternoon feast. Participants will receive a commemorative t-shirt and medal. Bonus: LOUtoday readers will receive $5 off each 10K and 5K registration when they use promo code LOUTODAY (offer valid today only). Register to run.

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