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These Louisvillians will be honored for their work in history + preservation

The Louisville Historical League is hosting its annual Ice Cream Social and Awards Presentation.

A gray, historic, victorian mansion overlooks well manacured gardens.

The Peterson-Dumesnil House was built from 1869 to 1870 and was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1975.

Image via Wikimedia Commons

Here’s the scoop: On Sunday, June 30 at 2 p.m., the Louisville Historical League will host its free annual Ice Cream Social and Awards Presentation.

Here’s a preview of the honorees:

  • The Samuel W. Thomas Book Award will be presented to “The Souful Sounds of Derbytown,” which detailed Louisville’s rich heritage of African American music and entertainment.
  • Preservationist Joanne Weeter will be presented the Branden Klayko Civic Advocacy Award for her advocacy of preservation and history.
  • Andy Blieden is being honored for his impact on developments in Butchertown with the Martha Elson Neighborhood Advocacy Award.
  • History Awards will be given to: the Clark County History Museum (725 Michigan Ave., Jeffersonville, IN), Dr. Galen Weiss for the Gaffney House Restoration, Common Bond Hotel Collection for The Myriad Hotel renovation, and Charlie Marsh for advocacy of Hogan’s Fountain restoration.
  • Founders Award will be announced at the event — it’s a surprise — to an individual for history education in Louisville.