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Meet your neighbors at one of the world’s largest potlucks in Iroquois Park

This annual event brings together nearly 2,000 Louisvillians to share a bite and a story.

Groups of people sit at different long table with orange table cloths filled with plates of food.

Around 2,000 Louisvillians come to The Big Table every year.

Photo by The Big Table

Sunday, Sept. 15, The Big Table invites Louisvillians to bring a dish and pull up a chair at one of the largest potlucks in the world. There’s just one rule: You can’t sit by anyone you know.

Each year since 2017, director Cathy Berkey and her team have set up 300+ tables along Rundill Road near the amphitheater in Iroquois Park — not just as a place to share a bite, but also to share stories.

Colorful baskets sit in the grass/

In the past, an Ethiopian coffee ceremony, charcuterie board, and full Korean spread have been shared at The Big Table.

Photo by The Big Table

🥘 Bring a dish to share with 10-20 people
It could be a family recipe, classic cookout dish, or just your favorite food — no one has ever denied a handful of Cheetos.

🪑 Find a seat with people you don’t know, yet
Table hosts make you feel welcome, so don’t worry about that awkward middle-school-cafeteria moment. Conversation cards lead the discussion + topics range from identity markers like race, age, and religion to personal prompts, like:

  • How did you get through a difficult time in your life?
  • Tell about a time when you made your parents proud.
  • In three minutes, share your life story in as much detail as possible.

“We’re not talking about the deep issues. We’re talking about the things that connect us underneath those big issues,” Berkey said.
🤝 Connect with neighbors
The Big Table isn’t just designed to bring Louisvillians together, it also serves as a primary Welcoming Month event for the Office of Immigrant Affairs.

“Bring your curiosity and have fun with it — the more you let yourself relax and dive into enjoying other people you’ll find the things you also enjoy,” Berkey said.

LOUtoday: The Big Table

In the future, Berkey hopes to grow it to every neighborhood in Louisville. “It’s the big dream right now, linking up with the Metro Council and bringing it to every district,” she said.

Photo by The Big Table

The Big Table is always seeking volunteers to help with set-up and clean-up. The event does receive some funding from the Office of Globalization for table and chair rental, but otherwise runs on donations.

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